It is really pleasing to say that our membership is the largest it has ever been. Amongst our members there will be a wealth of talent, ideas and enthusiasm for our project – that is why you are a member (if you are not why not join). We want to encourage members to get involved where they feel they can. You hear regularly about our work parties and read regular pleas to join one but there are other ways you could show your support, if a work party isn’t for you. You may have skills in fundraising or organisation or perhaps you could give a talk that would be of interest to other members.
A couple of our recent Wednesday work parties have been curtailed by very wet weather, so we have tidied up the garage and cut up more logs for firewood. Veda and Viv have soldiered on in the rain, notwithstanding, clearing the riverside path in preparation for the snowdrop walk. When the weather has been kind, we have devoted some attention to our young trees, as here in Monkey Puzzle Dell (right), clearing undergrowth from around them and replacing chicken wire guards with larger ones if the tree has become constricted or removing them all together if the tree is mature enough. | |
More stone and brick work has been completed on the Summerhouse base at the apexes, on which the supporting poles will stand. Work has continued, slowly, on trying to locate and repair leaks in the leat. The water level now stays much higher than it used to but still not quite high enough to cover all the shelves on which the limestone rocks sit. We persevere!
We held our 16th AGM on Thursday 19th November. The meeting itself was preceded by a buffet supper with an excellent selection of savoury food and lots of desserts. Our Artistic Promotions Secretary, Jan, put together an exquisitely presented art display, using contributions from members, including turned wood bowls, textiles, photos, drawings and other crafts. Thank you to her and the contributors.
We held our 16th AGM on Thursday 19th November. The meeting itself was preceded by a buffet supper with an excellent selection of savoury food and lots of desserts. Our Artistic Promotions Secretary, Jan, put together an exquisitely presented art display, using contributions from members, including turned wood bowls, textiles, photos, drawings and other crafts. Thank you to her and the contributors.